Distrilog Transport Academy
From a B to C class driving licence or from C to CE? This is possible with our Transport Academy.

Attracting and retaining quality C/CE drivers is quite a challenge. We use the Distrilog Transport Academy to create an extra entry channel to train people with a B-class driving licence to become a C-class driver. Distrilog provides the training and coaching for the candidates and helps them gain experience on the road, with our customers, and the pace of work. We contribute to our long-term vision by organising practical internal training courses. Specifically, we give warehouse workers the opportunity to obtain their C-class driving licence and C-class drivers the opportunity to obtain a CE-class driving licence.
The training courses are supported by different instructors who assist the candidate drivers during five days of training, two coaches who monitor, direct, and evaluate, and a general coordinator. And the finishing touch… all of this is paid for in full by Distrilog Group.